Victorian Scholarships Recognise Young Talent In Greyhound Industry

The greyhound racing industry has a bright future ahead with eight young scholarship recipients recognised for bringing fresh ideas to the exciting sport at a presentation in Melbourne last night.

Dr Napthine said the scholarship recipients came from a range of backgrounds including teaching, veterinary studies, and direct experience in the industry. Each will share in $25,000 to start their racing careers.

“Young Victorians bring with them a fresh perspective and new ideas about how to grow the greyhound racing industry. I have no doubt these eight young scholarship recipients will contribute to a bright future in th Victorian racing industry.

“It is excellent to see the scholarship recipients come from a variety of backgrounds and a share in $25,000 will go a long way towards training, education and a future career in greyhound racing.”

The Wilson's estate is contributing $10,000 each year for 10 years toward the scholarship. Greyhound is also providing additional funds toward the initiative.

was a former Greyhound Racing Victoria Chairman and local Dandenong MP, with an outstanding record in racing and community and initiatives. Her husband Eric was also a passionate contributor to the greyhound racing community and the Dandenong community, the town in which he was born and later went on to become Mayor.

Full list of 2012 Scholarship recipients:
· Christina Hill
· Cody Smith
· Katelyn Penney
· Blake Reed
· Christopher McLeod
· Tamika Fasoli
· Jodie Elston
· Bernard Sinnott

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